Kumpulan Soal Statistik Universitas Terbuka Pgsd Semester 7
JURNAL TEKNOSAINS is a journal, which began publication in 2011, published by the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada. It starts from Volume 1 Number 1 in December 2011 for printed version and the online version; ISSN (print) 2089-613 1 and ISSN (online) 2443-1311. JURNAL TEKNOSAINS is a series of scientific publications in science and technology area from the perspective of a multi and interdisciplinary studies and it is published on each semester in June and December. Jurnal Teknosainshas been accredited Sinta 2 by Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education since 2022 (valid until 2027) with the Number105/E/KPT/2022 in June 6, 2022.
kumpulan soal statistik universitas terbuka pgsd semester 7
Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of understanding of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE performed by medical students and factors affecting levels of understanding. In this study, OSCE materials for OSCE evaluation were used. Study subjects were 30 third year medical students in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. This study was an experimental study using a pretest posttest design. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test, t-test and Wilcoxon test. The Kruskal-Wallis test results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the OSCE total score, OSCE performance score, OSCE communication score and OSCE coordination score before and after OSCE training. The results of the post-test did not show a statistically significant difference in the total score, performance score, communication score and coordination score. However, the post-test results in the OSCE total score and performance score showed a statistically significant increase, even though there was no statistically significant difference in the coordination score. In this study, the number of trainees who were exposed to OSCE training (N=18 (60 percent was higher than the number of trainees who were not exposed to OSCE training (N=12 (40 percent. It was found that the number of trainees who were exposed to OSCE training was correlated with the post-test results of the trainees. Therefore, it was found that trainees who were exposed to OSCE training had an increase in their post-test results of OSCE total score and performance score. The factors that affected the increase in post-test results of the trainees were the quality of OSCE materials, the familiarity with OSCE, and the number of OSCE trainings. Therefore, it can be said that the level of understanding of OSCE results are affected by the quality of OSCE materials, the familiarity with OSCE, and the number of OSCE trainings. kumpulan soal statistik universitas terbuka pgsd semester 7 DOI/10.7942/ICPSR02772.v2.