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DS[daemon Slave]02 20 BEST

I think this is all you need to do to set up a NameNode and a DataNode on the slave system. You can use the documentation here for more information on how to set this up. There are more options, including setting up other types of Hadoop daemons, but these are the steps you need to take.

DS[daemon Slave]02 20

Finally, you run the command hadoop.rpc.nameservice.tool.AddOrUpdateDsaKeys from the command-line, which generates the DNSKEY, DS, and RRSIG records.

The last step is setting up the RRSIG records in the nameservers of your domain. These records are signed by the DS records you previously uploaded, so that your domain registrar knows that the DNSKEY it published for that domain is correct, and thus that this the correct set of nameservers for this domain.

Using the shell based tool, hadoop dfsadmin you can start a JobTracker, which controls the number of tasks a job runs on. Here you start a job named hadoop-wordcount-donna which will run on the entire cluster (i.e. on the Master and Slave system, as stated by the latter).

If you are doing distributed machine learning, you need to decide which machine will act as the master of a particular topic, and which ones will function as slaves. You can set up a NameNode on all the machines, and set up an individual DataNode for each topic. They are in a distributed fashion, but they act in a centralized manner. This setup requires someone to be on every machine in the cluster in order to set things up. I dont recommend doing this because of network latency.


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