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Command To Zip A Folder Using Winzip \/\/TOP\\\\

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If you are making the command configurable then you can ask the user/ other program which is calling your command to select the file extensions and then write these selected extensions into the "filename" file using java code or any other language you prefer.

It is also possible to create a set of Zip files where the contents of all of the subfolders in a folder will be zipped into individual Zip files. This set of commands contains a few steps and will not work directly from a command prompt. They will need to be saved in, and run from, a batch file.

Running the commands above as a batch file, will create a text file with the name of each directory (folder) on separate lines. The second section reads the text file, changes directories to the one on the line it just read, and performs the wzzip command once for each of these lines in the text file. The [PATH1] item should be replaced with the actual path to the parent folder, which contains the subfolders you want to zip. The [PATH2] item should be replaced with the path to the target folder in which you want to save your Zip files. Other switches can be added to the wzzip command, if desired. For example, you can add "-r -p" just after wzzip if the folders have subfolders inside and you want their contents added as well.

I am trying to zip a folder, which is the output of the workflow, each time it is run. I read about using a Run Command tool or event along with a batch script but can only find a batch script that does it using 7Zip (which my users won't have). Does anyone know what the bat lines would be to do this with WinZip

Read this: WinZip is not free and the code is only working if you have a registered(no trial) copy of WinZip. See the Zip (compress) section on my site if you want to use a free program like 7-zip.I really like 7-zip so check out my 7-zip pages if you are looking for a good free alternative.Important:The code example on this page are using Shell to run winzip32.exe from the command line.The undocumented parameters below were made available a long time ago, but have not beensupported since the release of WinZip 9.0 SR-1 in December of 2004. But they are still working OK.Read the information about the undocumented parameters inthis text file.For WinZip 12.1 and up there is a WinZip Command Line Add-in available which would allow you to perform many sophisticated actions from a command prompt, batch file, or other script. Check this out if the code on this page does not do what you want.Note: If you use version 12 you see that you have a option to use the extension .zip or .zipx (best compression). So it is possible that you must change the extension in the code to .zipx.

Encryption scrambles all the data in the file or folder using an algorithm and a key. So, it requires that the receiver of the file has access to the key to give that algorithm permission to unscramble it.

There may be times when you have already zipped a file or folder and stored it on your computer, then later decide you want to encrypt the data in that Zip file. If a file or folder in that Zip folder is already encrypted, it will first need to be decrypted and then re-encrypted using the password and encryption method you specified.

Write the command line arguments for winrar as shown below in the Argument property of Execute Process Task. These arguments will compress all the contents of the folder using winrar present in D:\abc and store it in the rar format at D:\abc.rar.

Normally i test the application install/uninstall commandline manually. If its sucess , Then i copy the same commandline to batch file and deploy using Intune. Commandline is based on the file type you are using.Please Test commandline manually before trying with Intune.

7zip comes with 7z.exe which can be used on the command line or in scripts. However, you'll have to use a script to do the folder structure zipping that you want. I've done something similar, zipping log files by month then year. It's not p


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